About the Course

Writing a book is like birthing a baby. We believe that Writing in the Glory will be catalytic to inspire you to take the first steps in the writing process so that you can release the message in your heart to impact the world. Writing in the Glory will take you on a journey to help you find your voice and live from your heart. By doing this workshop and the activities in the workbook, you will be activated to begin the process of writing your first book and learn how to live from a place of God's presence. 

You Will Learn Practical Tips On

  • Writing in the anointing
  • Becoming the message

  • Knowing yourself as an author

  • Setting goals

  • Learning how to structure your writing project

  • Refining your focus

  • Knowing the difference between self-publishing and formal publishing

  • How to overcome writer's block

  • Preparing a book proposal and much more!


“Writing in the Glory is sure to inspire you with courage to birth the message God has placed inside you. I pray that as you read Writing in the Glory, you are overshadowed by the Holy Spirit, marked by the love of Jesus, and inspired to not only release the message inside of you, but also to become that living message to the world.”


“The best thing about Writing in the Glory is that it’s practical. Too often we hear incredible messages that move our hearts but don’t necessarily teach us how to grow as a person. Writing in the Glory gave me the tools that I needed to take my book from a far-off dream to a current day reality. So thankful that Jen took the time to show each and every one of us how to go from a dreamer into an author ourselves.”

“The Writing in the Glory workshops have changed my life forever. Even though this was a dream in my heart to write, I doubted myself and my ability. I can only tell you that the Lord engaged my heart and unlocked the potential that was already there and Jennifer was able to fan the flames of creativity, revival, and gold that were resident in my heart. Writing in the Glory workshops propelled me into becoming an author and I have published my very first book.”

“A few years ago, I sat down with Jen to discuss a book that been trapped in my heart and mind for years. I had been unable to act on my dreams. She provided me with a copy of Writing in the Glory and afterwards sat with me for quite some time and helped me pull together my thoughts. She took me through a personal one-on-one Writing in the Glory workshop and what was produced is my book, Reckless Mercy! Her encouragement and support provided the guidance I needed to birth what was in my heart to make it a reality!”


Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the Writing in the Glory family!

    2. Introductory Prayer with Heidi Baker

    3. Introductory Prayer with Heidi Baker

    4. Unlocking Your Voice and Birthing a Revival Movement

    1. Introduction to the Writing in the Glory Workshop

    2. Introduction to Writing in the Glory Workshop

    1. Jen's Journey as an Author

    2. Jen's Journey

    1. Writing in the Anointing

    2. Writing in the Anointing

    1. Worship Session with Destiny House family

    2. Worship Session with Destiny House family

    1. Becoming the Message

    2. Becoming the Message

About this course

  • $199.00
  • 36 lessons
  • 4.5 hours of video content


Tricia McCaughey

5 star rating

“Absolutely loved! This guidance and inspiration is exactly what I needed to help get me started writing! Thank you and God bless you Jen!”

“Absolutely loved! This guidance and inspiration is exactly what I needed to help get me started writing! Thank you and God bless you Jen!”

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Carol Krum

5 star rating

“Psalm 27:4 is my life verse! Such a sweet kiss from God to see my hearts cry be the first words written. Confirmation from Heaven that I am exactly where He wants me to be. ”

“Psalm 27:4 is my life verse! Such a sweet kiss from God to see my hearts cry be the first words written. Confirmation from Heaven that I am exactly where He wants me to be. ”

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Gabby Heusser

5 star rating

“Very anointed and layed a great foundation for why we write (or do anything for that matter!).”

“Very anointed and layed a great foundation for why we write (or do anything for that matter!).”

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Instructor Bio:

Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D., is a Revival Historian, Author, Writing Coach, and Itinerant Minister who loves to lead people into a lifestyle of greater intimacy with Jesus and a baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire. She is the founding director of School of Revival which seeks to equip and launch leaders to steward the incoming harvest. Jen facilities Writing in the Glory Workshops around the globe. She has supported Bill Johnson in his Defining Moments book as well as authored Sustain the Flame, All Who Are Thirsty, Fasting for Fire, Walking on Water, Ignite Azusa: Positioning for a New Jesus Revolution, Writing in the Glory, Life on Wings, Spirit Flood, and Silver to Gold. Jen is ordained by Heidi Baker with Iris Global and received her Ph.D. in Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies from the University of Birmingham, U.K. Learn more about her at www.jenmiskov.com and School of Revival at schoolofrevivalfire.com

Jen Miskov

Founding Director and Dean
