Don't you have a saying, ‘It's still four months until harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.

John 4:35

Window of Opportunity for the Harvest

God has entrusted us with this unique season, this kairos moment in history, to bring in and steward this ripe and incoming harvest. He has entrusted us to carry hope to the hopeless, peace to the fear stricken, and healing to the brokenhearted. 

There is a time for sowing and a time for reaping. I believe the openness to the Gospel following the 2020 and beyond pandemic and shut down will be greater than in seasons before. There is a new grace and a fresh invitation to the Gospel now more than ever. This is a time set apart for harvesting.

Because the revival we’ve been praying for our whole lives is imminently upon us and is already here, there is a need to position ourselves to steward the incoming billions soul harvest well. 

We can only do this with and in family. We don’t have much more time to prepare our nets before they will be nearly busting at the seams beyond full capacity. 


We are in a Kairos moment.


The Harvest is ripe. 


Get your nets ready.


Everyone has an important part to play in this incoming harvest. 

Out of your innermost being
is flowing the fullness of my Spirit—
 never failing to satisfy.
Within your womb there is a birthing of harvest wheat;
 they are the sons and daughters
 nurtured by the purity you impart.
How gracious you have become!

Song of Songs 7:2-3

I believe there will be a special impartation and anointing for birthing new things during this module.

In this now kairos moment we find ourselves in together, I believe that God actually wants to birth revolutionary new models to reach the lost in our day. 

From a place of intimacy with Jesus, “within our wombs is a birthing of harvest…they are the sons and daughters you impart.” 

School of Revival exists to raise up spiritual mothers and fathers to steward the incoming harvest. 

If you are reading this right now, that is YOU! You are called and commissioned by Heaven for such a time as this to steward this incoming harvest. 

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome Packet for Harvest

    2. Link to invite your friends

    1. Introduction to Harvest

    2. Activation 1

    1. The Life of Dwight L. Moody

    2. Activation 2

    3. D.L. Moody overview and 5 minute video about his life

    1. The Life and Legacy of Aimee Semple McPherson

    2. Aimee Semple McPherson mini-documentary

    3. Jen's visit to Aimee Semple McPherson's home

    4. Activation 3

    1. The Significance of Creativity and Creative Expressions

    2. Creative Expressions Overview

    3. Activation 4

    1. Chad Dedmon on Living a Life of Faith

    2. Activation 5

About this course

  • $199.00
  • 27 lessons
  • 7.5 hours of video content


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