About the course

SOR 201: Pioneering Revival is a unique course because it happened in the midst of 2020 and God actually birthing revival in our midst. We look into history and discover the great pioneers like John Wesley catalyzing the Great Awakening, Maria Woodworth-Etter releasing powerful signs and wonders through her ministry, and Carrie Judd Montgomery pioneering the healing home movement. We also dive into story of present day leaders like Jessi Green who is interviewed literally in the midst of pioneering beach revival in Orange County, evangelist Kris Kildosher, missionary Katy Spakman who pioneered an Iris mission's base in the outback working with aboriginal community, and pioneer of pioneer Heidi Baker in the midst of a war zone. Get ready to go on an exciting journey where the Holy Spirit is your best friend as He leads you into the unknown.

Testimonials from SOR 201

“The Lord showed me, from my family’s history, all the wells which He has planted throughout my life. I became undone when I realized how God placed me in situations or places established by pioneers even when I didn’t have the heart to receive or perceive what He was imparting to me. The Lord has planted me in places of pioneers even before I knew that He wired me to be a pioneer.”

“I was touched so deeply by God and my group prayer today. I felt on fire all day and my body kept shaking. 3-8pm I did my creative expression, I have a big painting the Lord was having me do in preparation for this school. He said finish it during the school bc the importation will be so important ! I finished it tonight. I had no idea we would be doing the creative expressions....so I’m amazed at what God has done. ”

“SOR has been a divine appointment by God, especially because I intended to visit Switzerland (to do the live School of Revival there) but COVID-19 disrupted my travel plans. Through the SOR, I’ve realized that God has marked me as a pioneer throughout my entire life. SOR has reminded me about my God-given identity--who I really am. It has also reinvigorated prophetic, intercessory, and healing dance in my life. And SOR has encouraged me to pioneer healing through dance. My journey to getting to participate in the SOR, has been so anointed that my dad sowed money into my registration because he knows that it’s not about the money--it’s about the impartation. And since, my family has been experiencing healing too. ”

“Yesterday we prayed for Luke. I felt that like Jesus, through His sacrifice and pain, all will be blessed… So through Luke's pain, we're all blessed. About a week ago I posted something and Luke commented encouraging words, then I replied to his comment. From the very moment onward I felt the Father's blessing for several hours. It's just amazing to know that the little act, like replying comment, can bring that much of blessing. The moment all of us were together with Luke in the Zoom was an EPIC. SO BEAUTIFUL. SO STRONG. ”

“I cannot tell you how honored and known I feel. This class has itself been a healing balm for me. Jennifer, your “yes” to this call has changed my life. You steward the presence of God well and the intimacy you have with Him is so visible! I thank each one of you!”


  • Are not settlers or even necessarily builders. They go before and pave the way for others to follow.
  • Are resilient.  
  • Don’t give up.
  • Don’t have to understand everything that is going on.
  • Can live in a different realm, the realm of faith, of the unseen.
  • Are not afraid of dead ends or roadblocks; they will keep moving and find another way.
  • Are unafraid to go into the darkest of places carrying the light.
  • Are brave and courageous, blazing a trail so that others later on could follow more easily.
  • Are not afraid to try new things or think outside of the box.
  • Are a huge gift to the church but many times incredibly misunderstood.

In SOR 201, you will know what it feels like to be celebrated as the unique gift that you are. You are unique and there is no one else in the world quite like you. You are born to shine my friend. 

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to SOR 201 Pioneering Revival

    2. Original Welcome Packet for the Live SOR 201

    1. Life of a Pioneer

    2. Worship Encounter with Keren Oey in New Zealand (Destiny House alumni + Jen's intern)

    3. Activation Day 1

    1. John Wesley and the Great Awakening

    2. Activation Day 2

    1. Maria Woodworth-Etter part 1

    2. Maria Woodworth-Etter part 2

    3. Activation Day 3

    1. Intro to Carrie Judd Montgomery + Home of Peace Encounter

    2. The Life of Carrie Judd Montgomery

    3. Activation Day 4 Carrie Judd Montgomery Reflection

    1. Pioneering Destiny House

    2. Destiny House Reflecting upon the Journey and tips for building community

    3. Activation Day 5 Destiny House reflection

About this course

  • $199.00
  • 32 lessons
  • 13 hours of video content

When you see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, and the priests, who are Levites, carrying it, you are to move out from your positions and follow it. Then you will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before…Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.

Joshua 3:3-5

Lead Facilitator

Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D., is a Revival Historian, Author, Writing Coach, and Itinerant Minister who loves to lead people into a lifestyle of greater intimacy with Jesus and a baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire. She is the founding director of School of Revival which seeks to equip and launch leaders to steward the incoming harvest. Jen facilities Writing in the Glory Workshops around the globe. She has supported Bill Johnson in his Defining Moments book as well as authored Sustain the Flame, All Who Are Thirsty, Fasting for Fire, Walking on Water, Ignite Azusa: Positioning for a New Jesus Revolution, Writing in the Glory, Life on Wings, Spirit Flood, and Silver to Gold. Jen is ordained by Heidi Baker with Iris Global and received her Ph.D. in Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies from the University of Birmingham, U.K. Learn more about her at www.jenmiskov.com and School of Revival at schoolofrevivalfire.com

Jen Miskov

Founding Director and Dean


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