Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. 

James 5:14-16

Healing & Deliverance

We will be exploring healing throughout revival history as well as tracing the healing home movement. We will also look at patterns in theology, methodology, and practice of various healing revivalists and explore how different theologies shaped the methods and practice of healing throughout the centuries.  

We will hear from present day practitioners of healing and deliverance and receive tools and equipping so that we can step into a greater measure and anointing of healing and deliverance in our own lives and ministries. Discover various approaches to both healing and deliverance to find your sweet spot in ministry. Be activated to step out in greater love, wisdom, authority, and power to set the afflicted, tormented, and oppressed free.

Be Equipped and Activated

🔥  in the authority you have as a believer

🔥  to pray in faith for healing and deliverance

🔥 to face the demonic and set people free

Learn About:

🙏  Different models for healing practice used throughout history

🙏  Origins and developments of healing theology

🙏  Johan Cristoph Blumhardt, Dorethea Trudel, Carrie Judd Montgomery, and the development of healing homes

🙌🏻 Different models for deliverance

🙌🏻 Testimonies of miracles, healings, deliverance

What you can expect when joining School of Revival

When you join this School of Revival intensive, you will be with a small group of revivalists from around the world who are gathering together to go after Jesus and revival. We meet once a week online and there will be breakout rooms and prayer circles where you will have the opportunity to go deeper with a few as well as pray and prophesy over each other. You will learn how to cultivate revival in family so that you’re not alone when God sends you out. 

The teaching times will also be filled with revival history, encounters, equipping, and impartation for you to carry and release revival. We make time for Debrief sessions and small groups so that each person is seen, known, and celebrated. We are believing for covenant friendships to be born through this intersection of burning ones and for God to launch you into your destiny in family with greater anointing, power, and love than ever before. Every session is recorded and available on our private Facebook group so that if you are not able to join a session live, you can catch the replay. We also host Debrief sessions on Zoom as well as there are Activations and optional assignments.

*Besides the recommended reading, we also encourage you to begin fasting one day a week or however you feel led to begin praying and preparing your heart to receive all that God wants to deposit and impart to you during the school.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome Packet for Healing & Deliverance

    2. Carrie Judd Montgomery

    3. The Power of the Testimony

    1. Session 1: Introduction to Healing & Deliverance

    2. Activation 1

    3. Carrie Judd Montgomery and Contemporary Models of Healing article Jen Miskov 2011

    1. Session 2: Development of Healing Homes

    2. Faith Homes

    3. How Revivalists Approached Epidemics

    4. Activation 2

    1. Session 3: Johan Cristoph Blumhardt and Deliverance

    2. Activation 3

    1. Session 4: J.D. King on Healing through the Centuries

    2. Healing Models Teaching Notes from J.D. King

    3. Activation 4

    1. Session 5: Stuart & Cathy Greer on Deliverance

    2. Activation 5

    3. Deliverance Questionaire by Cathy and Stuart Greer

About this course

  • $199.00
  • 30 lessons
  • 8.5 hours of video content


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