Asbury Revival: Past & Present
The Asbury Outpouring of 2023 was the 9th revival since 1905 in that well of revival. There is a synergy of ages for us to step into. Something prophetic was birthed for our generation to step into.
Past & Present
There have been a series of 9 revivals and outpourings at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky since 1905. The student led revivals were birthed primarily in the month of February throughout its history, with a few in March.
On February 8, 2023, the 9th revival from this living well has been released to the world. This is our first School of Revival where revival broke out and we were able to be onsite to capture what God was doing in that well of revival during the outpouring. Many of the interviews took place on the grounds on Asbury University in February 2023.
We will be looking into a well of revival that has currently been reopened and is spreading rapidly across the globe. This is a unique opportunity to not only see the momentum of what has come before, but to dive into learning what it looks like to steward revival in the present hour.
We are alive for such a time as this. No other generation has been entrusted with this kairos moment. We are in a turning point and by God’s grace, we can shift what Christianity will look like for centuries to come. With this special School of Revival leadership intensive looking at the past and present revival of Asbury University we will be able to explore the following:
Welcome Packet and Assigned Reading
1. Asbury Revival History
One Divine Moment PDF copy
1970 Asbury Revival mini-documentary
2. Jeannine Brabon, Catalyst for the 1970 Asbury Revival
3. Asbury Revival Today (2023)
4. Characteristics of the 2023 Asbury Outpouring
A Revival Historian Visits the Asbury Outpouring 2023
Asbury Revival 2023 mini-documentary
Asbury Outpouring 2023 clip
5. Sensitivity to the Spirit with Dr. Craig Keener
6. Revival and Discipleship with Dr. Robert Coleman
Instructor Bio:
Founding Director and Dean